Sarva Sree Foundation (SSF), a non-profit music organization seeks to spread the knowledge and experience of South Indian (Carnatic) classical music. It was born of a desire to share the unbounded joys of the highly developed melodic and rhythmic system of Carnatic classical music - the root of all music, with the rest of the world. Its mission and purpose is to propagate, promote and preserve the priceless songs of the great composers of South India especially Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna's compositions in USA, Bangladesh and elsewhere in the world. Sarva Sree Foundation was established in the state of Iowa, USA in September 04, 2008 to conduct workshops, lecture demonstrations, vocal and instrumental classes and concerts in Iowa, in addition to its extensive work of preservation.
Sarva Sree Foundation was also named by Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna. 'Sarva Sree' means 'Everything is beautiful'. It is a Sanskrit word and a name of a rare raga with only three notes Sa (Do), Ma (Fa) and Pa (So) created by Dr. M Balamuralikrishna. This organization is established and driven by Meghna Ameen, disciple of Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna, Mani Bhashyam and Tara Anand and is dedicated to her Gurus and to promoting Carnatic music for music enthusiasts and lovers.

Sarva Sree Foundation was inspired by the success of a similar organization that is based in Bangladesh and share the same name and purposes. For more information click: www.sarvasree.net.